About Us

Memon is a courageous and unique position holder mercantile community. It participates actively in all the social activities such as, health, education and cultural programs.

Before Islamisation, Memon Nation belonged to Hindu Lohana Race, which was distinguished into 84 branches. The peoples of Memon Nation accepted Islam in 1424-25 A.D. During this period (824 Hijri), the capital of Sindh was Thatta and it was governed by Mr. Murkab Khan. Hazrat Yousufuddin Qadri (god bless him) came to Sindh during the aforesaid period and he became permanent resident of Sindh on the request of the governor. He preached Islam with great zeal and Markab Khan and his minister Ayub Khan became disciple of Hazrat Qadri. Sardar Seth Sundarji and Sardar Seth Hunsraj were honorable members of the Darbar or Court of the Government. They were sons of Sardar Seth Oji Bin Manik. First of all, Manakji accepted Islam on the blessed hands of Hazrat Qadri. Later on his son Oji and both son of the Seth Ravji named Sundarji and Seth Hunsraj was embarrassed with Islam.

Okhai Memons are one of large branch of Memons.

The name Okhai is derived from the Indian port town of OKHA where major portion of community resided. Many families of Okhai Memon community migrated to Karachi from OKHA well before turn of 20th century. Records show that first ones came to Karachi around 1850.

As a result of the acceptance of Islam by two well-known i.e. Sardars, Seth Sundarji and Seth Hunsraj, seven hundred families belonging to 84 branches of Lohana Hindu race were embarrassed with Islam. Hazrat Qadri (God bless him) entitled them as Momin, which was later on changed to Memon. They had to migrate from their homeland. On the occasion of the presentation of history of early period of the community, we are highly thankful of God that we are part of this community.

Memons are known for their involvement in philanthropy. A number of mosques, orphanages, sanatoria, educational institutions, dispensaries, hospitals, musafirkhanas, societies, etc. have been built by munificent Memons at various times and in different places.

Due to various reasons, the members of the Memon community have migrated to and settled in different parts of the world. But, a major chunk of Memons still reside in India and Pakistan. Wherever they go, if there is a substantial Memon population, they form themselves into Jamats. These Jamats are elected bodies and look after the welfare of the community.

Today, a major chunk of the Memon Community is based out of India and Pakistan; apart from significant communities in the United Kingdom, Canada, USA, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Middle East, South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, Namibia, Malawi, Kenya, Mauritius, Singapore Burma and Australia.

Across the world, Memons are no longer mere businessmen or industrialists, they are now among the most enlightened and progressive communities in the world.

Okhai Memons are one of large branch of Memons. The name Okhai is derived from the Indian port town of OKHA where major portion of community resided. Many families of Okhai Memon community migrated to Karachi from OKHA well before turn of 20th century. Records show that first ones came to Karachi around 1850.

A proper organization in the name of The Okhai Memon Jamat was formed in 1880 when a number of families came here and resided in Kharadar area of Karachi near the port. This organization was registered under the societies Act XXI of 1860.

The Okhai Memon Jamat has the distinction that “Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah” presided one gathering in its premises during independence movement.

The Okhai Memon community was in forefront in the task of rehabilitation of migrated Muslims in Karachi at the time of partition.

This organization now is one of the largest Jamat of Memon communities in Pakistan. Many of its stalwarts took part in the independence struggle and establishing the new country along with others.